Home > Fantasy league stats - week 19

Matches played weekend 09/09/2020 (Previous week | Week 19 | Next week)

1st XI v Wormholes - WON by 3 wickets (4 points), 24 spectators, 138 bar takings
2nd XI v Viral Boys Club - LOST by 5 wickets (0 points), 24 spectators, 6 bar takings
3rd XI v Catholic Sloggers - LOST by 5 wickets (0 points), 22 spectators, 11 bar takings

This week's player points

Player Type Runs Bowling Catches Weekly points Season to date
Awais thelads All-rounder 17 0-7 0 27 1752
Batty Boy Batsman 87 n/a 1 361 3336
Beardy Gav All-rounder 31 0-3 1 109 1148
Belt n Braces Batsman 50 n/a 0 200 1740
Big Ben Batsman 14 n/a 0 42 2226
Big Bird All-rounder 25 1-48 1 92 1703
Bradshaw Meadows Bowler 18 4-2 0 212 3107
Brooky Instrumental Bowler DNB 4-28 1 182 2761
Chinese George Batsman 78 n/a 1 334 3139
Clean-shaven Aussie Batsman 8 n/a 1 74 1668
Clifford Teflon Wicketkeeper 19 n/a 2 137 1778
Curious George Wicketkeeper 13 n/a 3 159 2494
Danny Boxface Batsman 41 n/a 0 123 1540
Daz Woodpecker Bowler 24 2-2 0 150 3036
Dee Lightful Batsman 38 n/a 0 114 2606
Dickie P Batsman 10 n/a 1 80 1676
Doc P All-rounder 12 2-29 0 75 1889
Fazzy Beast Bowler 14 6-1 1 381 2156
Hayesy Fantasie Wicketkeeper 4 n/a 2 92 1783
Katie Paceace Bowler 2 1-17 1 79 3183
Kev Slippage Wicketkeeper 35 n/a 2 185 2242
Kobbers the Clobber Batsman 24 n/a 0 72 1615
Marshy Fartpants Bowler 35 4-15 0 250 3330
Mr Adidas Bowler 5 3-22 0 113 2922
N Flecture Bowler 14 2-17 1 155 3170
Nath the Ath Bowler DNB 4-2 1 208 3007
Nelly C All-rounder 8 1-58 1 48 2016
Nickolad Batsman 36 n/a 1 158 1942
Paceman Smalls Bowler 2 1-66 1 30 2311
Parky 1990 Batsman 15 n/a 1 95 2455
Parky Peakrunner Bowler 6 1-55 0 3 2534
Rattatat Tatts Batsman 14 n/a 0 42 1993
Ricky Minaj Batsman 44 n/a 0 132 1942
Rowdy the Grinder Batsman 46 n/a 1 188 2885
Sail Away Bowler 2 6-25 1 321 3036
Samwise Scorepants Bowler DNB 1-22 1 68 2329
Skipper Ry All-rounder 14 1-3 1 115 1714
Tom Lefty Batsman 11 n/a 1 83 3464
Watts Occurring Batsman 79 n/a 1 337 2186
Whokilled Kenni Wicketkeeper 8 n/a 1 64 2161
Zzzzzzzeeeeee Batsman 22 n/a 1 116 1859

Weekly rankings

We're at the penultimate week now and there's been a colossal effort from the pretty boy collective, with Batty Boy, Chinese George and Watts Occurring all scoring heavily. Fazzy Beast took an astonishing 6-1 and there was an impressive haul too for Sail Away.

All this macho posturing means that Freda's Felching Fielders have stolen the weekly honours with an incredible 2,850 points. Seven sides topped the 2,000 point mark, though the usual suspects were again left stranded at the bottom.

So how has this left our overall standings after 19 weeks? Remarkably, Parky's Crew have hit the front, hauling in the Turn Village People, who drop to second place overall. There's still a chance for four sides to win this thing, while at the bottom poor Nick Marsh looks doomed, barring a last week miracle!

Pos Team Points
1Freda's Felching Fielders (Watty)2850
2Brooky's Boys (Ste B)2528
3We Do Things Right Here (Ry M)2394
4Doc P's Barmy Army (Doc P)2153
5King of the Kippax (Keni)2129
6Silly Sloggers (Ben B)2046
7Parky's Crew (Mark Parky)2024
8Oh Hello! (Craig Parky)1976
9Turn Village People (Dickie P)1951
10Jaffa (Toby Meehan)1909
11Dazzlers (Daz Wood)1876
12Exeter Gently (Chinese George)1874
13Clifford's Clowns (Clive)1820
14Kev's Spitfires (Kev)1806
15Fenton Flyers (Laura F)1805
16Keepy Uppy (Mandi)1766
17Vice's XI (Nick M)1611
18Fat Arses (Rick)1595
19Gavton Ladyboys (Gav)1564
20Scorepants XI (Sam Collins)1439

Overall rankings

Pos Team Points
1Parky's Crew (Mark Parky)31021
2Turn Village People (Dickie P)30989
3Fenton Flyers (Laura F)30800
4Exeter Gently (Chinese George)30558
5We Do Things Right Here (Ry M)30053
6Clifford's Clowns (Clive)29856
7Dazzlers (Daz Wood)29566
8Freda's Felching Fielders (Watty)29466
9Doc P's Barmy Army (Doc P)29249
10Brooky's Boys (Ste B)29074
11Kev's Spitfires (Kev)28621
12Scorepants XI (Sam Collins)28378
13Jaffa (Toby Meehan)28351
14Keepy Uppy (Mandi)28160
15King of the Kippax (Keni)28047
16Fat Arses (Rick)27910
17Gavton Ladyboys (Gav)27700
18Oh Hello! (Craig Parky)27688
19Silly Sloggers (Ben B)27514
20Vice's XI (Nick M)26852

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